Welcome to Oregon Coast Learning Institute where exciting opportunities and enhriching experiences await you

Welcome to the Oregon Coast Learning Institute. Here, you’ll find a place to grow, discover, and connect with fellow curious minds. We believe learning doesn’t stop when formal education ends — it’s a lifelong adventure that gets richer with time.

New Location and Hours!

We will begin each meeting with coffee, tea, and baked treats from 9:00 to 9:30. The first presentation begins at 9:30 sharp until 10:50, and then we break from 10:50 to 11:10; coffee and tea will still be available. The presentation will continue or a second speaker will begin at 11:10 until 12:30.

We will be at the Chapel by the Sea church building, 2125 SE Lee Avenue, Lincoln City, OR. (Turn east off Hwy 101 at the Hilltop Restaurant, then right on SE Lee. The church is on the right at the end of SE Lee.)

The Oregon Coast Learning Institute (OCLI) is an organization of retired and semi-retired people who desire to continue their education in an atmosphere of shared learning. OCLI is designed to stimulate intellectual interests, thereby enhancing the mental and social dimensions of retirement life.

Presenters are members or guests who have expertise or a special interest in a particular subject. Informative presentations are chosen from any number of topics including history, music, natural science, art, economics, life experiences, and more.

Members have the opportunity of expanding their areas of interest by in-depth research and sharing their insights with the group. This provides a stimulating experience for both the presenter and the audience.

Session details
typically meets for lecture/discussions once a week on Tuesdays starting the first week in September and lasting for 12 weeks. After the holidays, the group meets for an additional 12 weeks until late March. Coffee will be ready at 9:00 am. The first session is 9:30-10:50 am followed by a 20-minute break. The second session is 11:10-12:30.
Members are not required to attend every session.  Each program is an independent presentation. All sessions are held at Chapel by the Sea, 2125 SE Lee, Lincoln City, Oregon.

was organized in the summer of 2003 and modeled after the Institute for Continued Learning (ICL) at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon.

OCLI is an independent, self-supporting organization led by an elected board of directors consisting of a president, treasurer, secretary, membership chairman, curriculum chairman, and support committee chairman.

Membership dues are currently $90.00 per person for both terms, or $60 for one term only.