Psilocybin in Oregon
Chapel by the Sea 2125 SE Lee Avenue, Lincoln CityPresented by Angela Allbee
God, Guns, Gays, and Affirmative Action – Brent Burford
This first presentation of the term will look at some of the interesting recent and upcoming decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court. From the Harvard affirmative action case, to the question of whether a business can deny service to same-sex couples, to an upcoming case on the limits of the Second Amendment, we will look … Continue reading God, Guns, Gays, and Affirmative Action – Brent Burford
Louis Southworth, Waldport Pioneer – Joyce Sherman
Louis Southworth came to Oregon as a slave when it was still illegal for a black person to live in Oregon. He purchased his freedom and became an important person in the shaping of Waldport. Learn more about blacks in Oregon and the life Louis Southworth led, in spite of being in Oregon illegally.
SMART Reading Program – Melissa MacCoumber, Senior Program Manager, NW Oregon
SMART Reading is a non-profit volunteer-driven program designed for Oregon at-risk readers, grades K-3. Volunteers read weekly with students, modeling a love of reading and sparking joy through the magic of a book. Each child receives two books of his/her choice per month to add to the child’s at-home library. Ask Melissa the impact this … Continue reading SMART Reading Program – Melissa MacCoumber, Senior Program Manager, NW Oregon
Jellyfish and Their Importance to Humans – Ric Brodeur
Evidence from ecosystems around the world suggests that jellyfish blooms are increasing in terms of frequency and severity, most likely due to human activities such as overfishing, habitat modification, and species introductions. Although jellyfish have some positive benefits to humans in terms of pharmaceutical and food production and the aquarium trade, most of their impacts … Continue reading Jellyfish and Their Importance to Humans – Ric Brodeur
SKYLAB AT 50: Our First Space Station – Donn Anderson
What to do after the Apollo Moon Missions ended? Repurpose hardware planned for cancelled Apollo missions into a gigantic for its time Earth orbiting Solar Observatory and Research Lab! Launched into orbit in May, 1973, Skylab was the beginning of humans living in low earth orbit that eventually led to the International Space Station. We’ll … Continue reading SKYLAB AT 50: Our First Space Station – Donn Anderson
The Road to Graduation in LCSD – Majaliase Tolen, Dr. Katie Barrett, Elementary Director
Learn about early literacy, K-12 math alignment, Career and Technical Education, and post-secondary partnerships in LCSD.
The Moon – Sifan Kahale
Our “slanted” view of the moon, what that means and how that creates effects like super moons, annular or total eclipses, king tides at different times in different places. Join us as Sifan explains some of the stranger aspects of the moon.
Field Trip to Hatfield Marine Science Center
Field Trip to Hatfield Marine Science Center: 9:30 a.m. – Meet in the Marine Studies Building Lobby Welcome and short video about the Marine Studies Building (MSB) in the MSB Auditorium 9:50-10:50 a.m. – Divide into two groups to tour the MSB Tour guides Doug Brusa (OSU Foundation) and MariAnna Hinjosa (HMSC Operations). The tour … Continue reading Field Trip to Hatfield Marine Science Center
Yakona Nature Preserve and Learning Center – Natalie Schaefer
Yakona Nature Preserve & Learning Center provides education about resident wildlife, exploration of Yaqo’n Indian history, and opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds and lived experiences to witness nature as it once was on Oregon’s central coast.
Oregon Shores/Coastwatch – Jesse Jones
Oregon Shore's mission is to preserve the ecosystems and landscapes of the Oregon Coast for the public interest. One popular program is Coast Watch in which volunteers adopt and monitor one-mile segments of the shoreline. Jesse Jones, the manager of the Coast Watch Program, will share the scope and benefits (and fun) of the program.
Observing an Annular Eclipse – Sifan Kahale
Join us as Sifan relates her story and experiences viewing the annular solar eclipse. She is traveling down to Klamath Falls to 'hopefully' have clear skies during the event. Come and find out if she was successful!
Living for a Year in Space: What Effect Does It Have on Your Body? – Donn Anderson
Astronaut Scott Kelly spent almost a year in near weightlessness in orbit on the International Space Station while his identical twin Mark remained here on Earth. What have we learned about what that did to Scott’s body versus his twin brother Mark?
Thank you, Paul Durand-Ruel for Discovering the Impressionists – Rosanne Berton
Rosanne will provide the story of Durand-Ruel, a Parisian art dealer who personally, commercially, financially, and spiritually supported every Impressionist whose name and work we now take for granted as Great. You will explore the Impressionists as the story goes along.
OCLI Poetry Society and Friends – Alison Dennis, Evelyn Brookhyser
Members will read and discuss a passage from their favorite poem.
Addiction and Covid Response in Lincoln County — Beckner, Giliam, Cisco, Koschel
Four people from the Lincoln County Health Dept. will provide an overview of what they do: Jennifer Beckner, addiction treatment services, Callie Lamendola-Gilliam, Covid; Isabelle Cisco, Harm Reduction efforts related to Opioid Crisis, Mary Jo Koschel, Medication Assisted Treatment Program.
Eat Smart and Live Strong – Beatrice Botello
Beatriz Botello and Jennifer Pettit with OSU Extension Lincoln County, Family and Community Health team, will offer a hands-on and tasting experience focusing on adding fruits and vegetables to your diet and discuss the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The Five Queens of British Mystery – Conrad Schmitt
The Golden Age of English language mystery novels is regarded as the period of the early twentieth century when the genre of the “Clue-Puzzle“ novel achieved its zenith. Five women, four from Great Britain, and one New Zealander, are generally considered the “Queens of Mystery “ for their dominance of that period. The four British … Continue reading The Five Queens of British Mystery – Conrad Schmitt
Be Fit for Life: Put Knowing and Doing Together – Brenda Luntzel
Living well and preventing illness is a foundation of health and longevity. You read all about what to do to age better. You are wiser as you have more experience in life. You have the time, now that you are retired, to invest in your health. Right? The most challenging piece to the puzzle is “doing what we know.” This … Continue reading Be Fit for Life: Put Knowing and Doing Together – Brenda Luntzel
Cascade Head Biosphere – Paul Robertson
Paul Robertson is the Staff Scientist and Project and Communications Manager for the newly-formed 501c3 Non-Profit, Cascade Head Biosphere Collaborative, the people side of the UNESCO Cascade Head Biosphere Region here on the central Oregon Coast. He will be talking about their programming and their three pillars--Education, Climate, and Community. Expect to see some short videos and hear … Continue reading Cascade Head Biosphere – Paul Robertson
Increasing coastal community resilience to coastal hazards in Cascadia – Peter Ruggiero
Pacific Northwest coastal communities are at risk from earthquakes, including “The Really Big One,” tsunamis, sea level rise, landslides, erosion, and changing patterns of storminess. Stretching from Humboldt Bay in Northern California to the Salish Sea in Washington, these Cascadia communities have called for “a coordinated research agenda among universities, governmental agencies, NGOs, and others” … Continue reading Increasing coastal community resilience to coastal hazards in Cascadia – Peter Ruggiero
Hold the Press! – Patrick Alexander
What does it take to run a small coastal newspaper in the aftermath of the information revolution? How do you balance the books while creating a compelling product for locals and visitors alike? And how do you stay fresh while writing about a kite festival for the 25th time? Get answers to all these questions and more … Continue reading Hold the Press! – Patrick Alexander
Finding Oregon’s Covered Bridges – Sifan Kahale – Evelyn
Join Sifan as she relates her adventures finding all of the covered bridges in Oregon - and then some. Picture driving through a covered bridge, orange sunset colors ahead, boards clickety-clacking and the sounds of gurgling water and frogs singing. Which ones were her favorite, which were the most difficult to find, how many 'small' … Continue reading Finding Oregon’s Covered Bridges – Sifan Kahale – Evelyn
What is happening in the forests of Oregon – Dan Stark – Evelyn
Dan Stark, OSU Extension Forester, will discuss the invasive pests and updates on the emerald ash borer. He will also share what is happening with harvesting and reforestation of the land. He will answer the question of, do redwoods and giant sequoia grow well in Oregon? He is open to answering questions you have about … Continue reading What is happening in the forests of Oregon – Dan Stark – Evelyn
The Girls Who Stepped Out of Line, by Maj. Gen. Mari K Eder – Conrad Schmitt – Joyce
Conrad will discuss this book about women who served, fought, struggled and made things happen in World War II. Both in and out of uniform, their legacy is destined to inspire generations of women to come. From daring spies to audacious pilots, from innovative scientists to indomitable resistance fighters, these extraordinary women stepped out of … Continue reading The Girls Who Stepped Out of Line, by Maj. Gen. Mari K Eder – Conrad Schmitt – Joyce
Local Healthcare Update – Dr. Lesley Ogden – Evelyn
Dr. Ogden will cover new service lines, technology enhancements, workforce solutions, and future projects as well as challenges that we face locally and across the industry.
What happened on May 10th? – Sifan Kahale – Joyce
Join Sifan as she explains the awesome events that led to the record-breaking Aurora on May 10. This event clocked in at a G5 and a KP9: the maximum of both scales! A single sunspot generated 7 huge flares and associated CME’s. Two of those were ‘cannibal’ flares! Come and find out what all of … Continue reading What happened on May 10th? – Sifan Kahale – Joyce
Inside the Newport Visual Arts Center – Chassee Davidson Conrad/Gail
A glimpse into the galleries, receptions, workshops, classes, community events/partners, and art bus of the Newport Visual Arts Center. Chasse Davidson has been the Director of the VAC since August of 2022. She moved to Lincoln County 17 years ago from the Willamette Valley. She earned her BS in Studio Art from Western Oregon University. … Continue reading Inside the Newport Visual Arts Center – Chassee Davidson Conrad/Gail
Great Grain Discoveries – Beatriz Botello – Evelyn
Eating whole grains supports blood pressure, cholesterol, digestion, blood sugar, and weight control. This session will offer information on how to identify whole grains, read whole grain and fiber labels, and tips on how to find easy and inexpensive recipes on the Food Hero website. A Food Hero recipe will be served.
Book Reviews by Members
Members will sign up to review books they’ve read recently.
Navigating Coastal Futures: Insights from Social Science – Valerie Berseth – Evelyn
Valerie Berseth will explore how human relationships with coastal environments are evolving in the face of environmental changes and technological advances. She will share insights from research she has done with Pacific salmon conservation in the US and Canada and she will highlight how communities are adapting to new challenges while redefining their relationships to … Continue reading Navigating Coastal Futures: Insights from Social Science – Valerie Berseth – Evelyn
A Mostly True Story of Johann Sebastian Bach – David Jordan – Ric Neese
David Jordan will introduce and cover some of the highlights of his newly published and very humorous book.
History of Lincoln City’s Driftwood Library – Patty Heringer – Joyce
Patty will explain the history of the library from when it was first started, the various places that have hosted it during those early years.
Driftwood Library Today – Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney – Joyce
Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney, the Head Librarian, will outline all the services Driftwood Library has to offer.
Know the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Tracy Morgan
Know the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's and Dementia, by Tracy Morgan and Alise Liepnieks In this class, attendees will gain an understanding of the difference between age-related memory loss and Alzheimer’s and what to do if they or someone they know has signs of the disease. Video footage of real people who are living with … Continue reading Know the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Tracy Morgan
The Creation of CBTS’s Fellowship Hall Ric Neese
Ric Neese will offer a visual PowerPoint presentation of the construction of the Fellowship Hall which currently hosts the Oregon Coast Institute including profiles of several of the key planners who made the room a reality.
Living with African Hunter-Gatherers Barry Hewlett
9:30-10:50 Living with African Hunter-Gatherers Barry Hewlett
A tour of the pipe organ and its music Jeannine Jordan
11:10-12:30 Jeannine Jordan and Professor Bombarde will guide you on a musical and historical journey about the pipe organ. You'll watch Jeannine play her favorite organ music from around the world while Professor Bombarde explains how a pipe organ works in an entertaining way.
Kindness 101 Ric Neese
What do Charles Kuralt, Jane Pauly, Charles Osgood, and Steve Harman have in common? Gratitude, purpose, compassion, and gratitude. Charles Kuralt exemplified gratitude through his storytelling, often highlighting the simple joys and overlooked heroes across America. His program, "On the Road," celebrated the spirit of everyday people with genuine appreciation for their contributions and stories. … Continue reading Kindness 101 Ric Neese
New Rules for End of Life Care Kelly Sautel
11:10-12:30 New Rules for End of Life Care Kelly Sautel
World War II in Lincoln City Christopher Melton
11:10-12:30 World War II in Lincoln City Christopher Melton About Christopher has a BA in Art History and Studio Art, an MFA in Film and Video Production, and an MLS in archives. He is a sound recordist, artist, and multimedia archivist. He lives in rural Oregon, where he hikes with his dog, converses with trees, … Continue reading World War II in Lincoln City Christopher Melton
Oregon Flora Project Linda Hardiman
"Discover the Plant Diversity of Oregon"—OregonFlora Director Linda Hardison will speak about OregonFlora resources that share our state's "rich and varied plant life."
Samaritan House Lola Jones
9:30-10:50 Samaritan House Lola Jones
Citizenship and the Fourteenth Amendment Brent Burford
11:10-12:30 There has been discussion in the news of the current administration wanting to change the current standard on “birthright citizenship.” Brent Burford will explain the relationship between the Fourteenth Amendment and the issue of citizenship.