OCLI Membership Application
OCLI Membership Guidlines
- The purpose of OCLI is to provide a membership initiated, governed, and conducted programs of study which offer retired and semi-retired persons an opportunity to continue their education in an atmosphere of shared learning. The program is designed to stimulate intellectual interests with others in areas such as history, music, art, world affairs, philosophy, social and natural sciences, and life experiences.
- Each member has an opportunity to make presentations and is encouraged to do so in their field of interest, expertise or art.
- Presentations are to be kept non-controversial, non-religious and non-political.
- Membership in OCLI is renewed on an annual basis. The membership year commences on July 1st and extends through June 30th of the following year. The annual membership fee is determined by the OCLI Board of Directors in accordance with the OCLI bylaws.
- Persons may join OCLI at any time during the fall term with a payment of a full year tuition, currently $90.00; persons may join for a single term, currently $60.00 (for that term only). Exceptions to this policy will be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- Nonmembers may attend any one day per semester as a guest. There is no specified limit on the total number of guests a member may invite over the course of a year; however, it is expected that good judgement will be exercised by members in the number of guests invited to any one session.
- The membership information is not available for outside publicity.
- As a courtesy to the speaker and other members, please arrive in time to be seated before the lectures begin.
- All announcements will be made at 9:25 am so presentations can start promptly at 9:30 am. Announcements will be limited to OCLI business only. Cultural and/or educational events may be promoted via brochures or posters placed only on the serving table.